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Did you know…
women and girls in developing nations are often seen as property, unvalued or worthless?
Many times, girls are not even allowed to receive an education, however…

Hear from two of our Wings Volunteers about why we do it and what it means to them.

Why help a girl?

Because every girl and woman deserves the opportunity to have dignity, freedom, and to be empowered to improve her life.

Meet this class of teenage girls. These girls attend school In a one-room schoolhouse in their rural village in west Africa. Before receiving Wings Kits, each one of these girls were using different methods of period management. Items like rags, newspaper pages, or leaves are commonly used in developing countries to prevent leaks. Our missionary partner delivered Wings Kits and educated these girls about their menstrual cycles and their bodies. Now, the girls can attend school all month long with dignity and without fear of ridicule or embarrassment during their menstrual cycle.

Meet Miriam. After her husband unexpectedly died, she was left to care for her six children, alone. When Miriam received a Wings Kit and an education about feminine hygiene, she was encouraged to educate her daughters and provide Kits for them as well. Eventually, Miriam was able to create her own micro-business in Burundi, Africa; making and selling Kits to the women in her village. She’s been able to earn an income to provide for her family and empower others at the same time! 

Meet Naomi. In her country of Zambia, many girls face cultural, financial, or religious obstacles when trying to obtain an education. Naomi was able to attend school and graduate at the top of her class. Receiving a Wings Kit in high school helped her achieve perfect attendance, ensuring she didn’t fall behind or fail in her classes. Now, as an adult, Naomi understands the importance of education and she serves as a teacher in her village! 

Wings Kits have been hand-delivered to girls and women in 27 countries!

Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Ivory Coast
Northern Africa
Sierra Leone

wings kit instruction

Our Story

It seems like just yesterday that our Wings program was only a dream. We were five women sitting around a table asking each other, “Could this actually work? Could we make a difference?”

Today, we are happy to report… yes, it does work, and yes, together, we are making a difference!

We are so thankful that you have shown an interest in the work being done to help give women and girls dignity, empowerment and freedom through Wings. Each year, we’re able to bless thousands of women and girls in multiple countries by providing a sanitary, comfortable, and discreet way for them to manage their monthly cycles with our washable and reusable hygiene products! 

Wings strives to help women and girls who do not have access to the feminine hygiene products that those of living us in thriving countries have at our disposal. We hope you will share our passion! 

Thank you for picking up our Wings brochure. We hope that your heart will be encouraged by the stories inside and blessed in knowing God has provided for this program each step of the way.
Because of God’s provision, many lives have been changed! 

Send us your inquiry about our Wings program using the following form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.