Gleaning Golf Classic Regisration

Year End Reflection
christmas wise men north star


Roots are important. Foundation is important. And staying true to the God-inspired reason for our existence is crucial.

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Of all the Christmas festivities this month, one of our clear favorites is the joy of listening to and singing all the familiar carols and hymns. At Gleaning, it seems that we can’t get enough of them! We all appreciate a mix of both the old familiar songs and the new ones! Blending the old with the new fills our hearts and minds with the warmth of Christmas.

While our primary focus is on the birth of Jesus and God’s gift of salvation, we also find ourselves reflecting during this time of year. Thinking about past Christmas seasons, recalling the milestones of the past year, and being reminded of those who have made a significant impact on our organization, all make this a truly wonderful time of the year.

In recent weeks, many of us around Gleaning have been reading and discussing “I Did It HIS Way,” the story of Gleaning For The World. With each page, we are reminded of how God has built this unique ministry over the past 25 years to meet the current needs of our world.

Roots are important. Foundation is important. And staying true to the God-inspired reason for our existence is crucial. Our long-standing mission is:

“To share the love of God at home and around the world through the efficient delivery of high-quality, lifesaving supplies to victims of poverty and devastation by connecting corporate surplus to critical needs.”

A few thoughts on this incredible mission:

*To Share the Love of God — is the combination of tangible, in-kind provisions, and caring, compassionate individuals. With difficult, sometimes unimaginable worldly circumstances – individuals and families can get understandably overwhelmed and burdened in just meeting their basic day-to-day needs. A helping hand, a shoulder to lean on and most importantly the message of God’s love and hope is exactly the message that’s needed. We often hear that our work was an answer to prayer – sending a strong message that God is here with you, God loves you and is not going to leave you. To share the love of God through showing the love of God is the solid foundation of Gleaning For The World.

*Our Biblical Name – “gleaning” — is based on the ancient practice in which Israelite farmers were instructed not to harvest all of their crop, but to purposefully leave un harvested areas at the edges of fields in order for the poor, the fatherless and the widows, to gather the surplus to feed themselves. The symbolic meaning of harvest in Scripture outlines two important points: God’s provision for us and God’s blessing for others. By a simple choice, others less fortunate, can also reap the benefit of our personal harvest.

*Delivery of High-Quality Supplies — is the emphasis we place on what we give. We give to others as we would like to receive. Whether we are sorting and packing medical supplies, making soap kits, building pallets of new sheet sets and bedspreads or sewing and assembling feminine hygiene kits, we believe there is value in everything we have and everything we do. We want the recipient, the beneficiary, to know they are receiving something of value from people who care… People who care about them, about their circumstances, and about the hope that comes through Jesus.

*At Home and Around the World — is reflective of meeting needs here in central Virginia and all corners of the globe. To date, we have distributed more than $730 million in critical supplies to 78 countries.

From Day One, we have been willing to respond to God’s call, willing to see the need, willing to put in the hard work, willing to step out in faith and do more with little – just like the miracle of the loaves and fishes. We see God perform wonders every day through our sacrifices together at Gleaning For The World.

As we reflect on the blessings, we would be remiss if we didn’t pause to thank our supporters for what they have done to love others through Gleaning this year. Some have been able to give more than others, but God blesses us when we give our best. He gave His best, and isn’t that what Christmas is all about? No wonder it is the most wonderful time of the year.

This month we ask you to consider making a year-end gift to Gleaning so that we can move into 2024 strong and able to meet the needs of the coming weeks. Please consider making an online donation to Gleaning For The World by clicking here. We are excited to see how God uses us today and in the coming year as we give our best.

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