Gleaning Golf Classic Regisration

Boxes of Hope and Healing
warehouse donation boxes


We receive, send, ship, deliver our supplies in boxes. Made of simple cardboard, but they transport hope and healing, encouragement and relief, love and life.

The Simplicity & Complexity of Gleaning’s Mission

Have you ever had to break down a cardboard box? That process reveals the unique balance of simplicity and complexity like nothing else. The box easily collapses with a sharp knife and a couple folds. However, when something needs to be stored or shipped, its value is priceless. How much more difficult life would be without boxes! This is important because one of the basic tools we utilize in our daily work at Gleaning is the cardboard box. Yes, simple…but, equally complex with incredible value.
We receive, send, ship, deliver our supplies in boxes. Made of simple cardboard, but they transport hope and healing, encouragement and relief, love and life. Below are a few examples.

Teddy Bear Brigade

We pack 60 soft ‘plushies’ in a single box, 15 to a pallet. These 15 carefully packed boxes will bring comfort and security to 900 children. On average, we encourage 35,000 children a year through this simple stuffed animal project.

How many boxes would you like to help us send this month? We can do it for $20 a box ($300 a pallet).

Helping Our Neighbors

We work closely with dozens of local social agencies throughout Central Virginia, Amherst, Appomattox, Bedford and Campbell to provide our struggling neighbors with perishable and non-perishable food, baby diapers, blankets, baby care items, socks, hats, gloves, scarves, and more. The items we box and distribute includes toys at Christmas, household items after a fire and basic supplies for those facing temporary setbacks – all helping veterans, shut-ins, the homeless, foster care children, our first responders and newborns. Yes, we work to take care of our own.

The average box cost $50. Would you like to help us fund Helping Our Neighbor boxes this summer? It’s a great way to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus.

US Natural Disaster Response

We provide immediate and long-term humanitarian aid when natural disasters strike. As hurricane season is now underway, we are staging to provide immediate relief supplies for individuals and families that may be forced to leave their homes for safer ground — emergency shelters, temporary shelters, even motels.

This type of work requires larger and more substantial boxes filled with food, toothbrushes, baby diapers, cleaning supplies, paper products, personal care items, and similar basic life items. The cost of one box of disaster relief supplies + transport is $200. Some of you may want to help us prepare five boxes this month ($1,000).

International Crisis

Not a year passes without critical needs emerging globally – like the current war in Ukraine. Working closely with on the ground partners in the region, we provide unique items — durable medical equipment, crutches, walkers, wheelchairs. Basic needs like clothing, shoes, and food are also required.

To support our war relief efforts in Ukraine, the average cost to provide a full pallet of essential aid is $175. Would you like to help the hurting people in Ukraine this month?

We hope this small sampling of projects gives you further insight into how we utilize every dollar you send to provide hope and healing, encouragement and relief, love and life. As we step out in faith to pack our next box, we hope you will come along side us financially so we can continue the mission set before us. The world is hurting, but together we can make a real and lasting difference. Yes, our work together is simple…but, equally complex with incredible value.

July is a pretty difficult month for us at Gleaning.  Often the needs are greater, but the resources are few.  Your financial donation this month would be huge for us. If you want to make a significant difference with your resources, please consider making an online donation this month by clicking here.  God bless you!

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