Gleaning Golf Classic Regisration

Four Countries Helped This Week


Your prayers and your financial gifts have allowed us to be able to help so many people all around the world. To God be the Glory, Great things He has done!


We’ve had a wonderfully busy week! We have distribution partners around the world, and work continuously throughout the year packing and shipping supplies to be placed into the hands of those facing life’s most difficult circumstances. Some weeks however, our shipping schedule is more diverse than others, and this week was one of those weeks!

This week alone, we loaded shipments headed to Texas as well as  three different countries!

TEXAS: A tractor trailer loaded with relief supplies was sent to Vidor, Texas to assist residents recovering from the 4 feet of flood waters received when Imelda wreaked havoc last week. The line of cars waiting to receive the supplies was two and a half miles long!

BAHAMAS: We are continuing to send supplies to the victims of Hurricane Dorian. One of our outbound shipments this week was headed on a barge loaded with thousands of pounds of humanitarian aid for the Bahamas.

JORDAN: Our partner in Jordan has been patiently waiting for his shipping container to be loaded and on its way to his warehouse. His ministry is devoted to the care, safety and emotional well-being of thousands of individuals and families displaced by war.

This shipping vessel was loaded with non-perishable food, personal care items, blankets, stuffed animals, bicycles, and lots more!  (Note: The largest refugee camp in Jordan is home to over 120,000 people.)

BELARUS: Our focus at Gleaning is around logistics and getting humanitarian aid into the hands of those in need. One of our highlights of this week included shipping three cargo containers filled with medicines for one of our sister nonprofit partners, headed to Belarus.

Will you join me in continued prayer for each person receiving these supplies? Your prayers and your financial gifts have allowed us to be able to help so many people all around the world.
To God be the Glory, Great things He has done!

In service and partnership,

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