Gleaning Golf Classic Regisration

Gleaning In Action


In recent weeks, working with our international partnerships, we have supplied humanitarian aid to Venezuela, Ghana, and Nigeria. During a busy season, we realized we had sent our 3,800th shipment (since 1998)!  It was a full tractor trailer load of supplies headed to Whiteville, North Carolina, to our partner helping with area individuals and families struggling in the aftermaths of not one, not two, but three Hurricanes!


Aren’t you grateful for the charities who work tirelessly to help those in need? Whether providing food for the homeless, helping families re-build after a devastating natural disaster or helping children succeed in school… the list of worthy charitable organizations is remarkable!

Gleaning partners with many such organizations here at home, across the nation, and around the world. We help organizations who need diapers for babies, clothing for refugees, and food for the homeless. We provide the supplies, so they can focus on being the hands and feet of Jesus to their neighbors in need.

Just last week, we were able to deliver 100 family-size Christmas dinners through our local network of partners in Lynchburg, VA – who, in turn, distributed them to families in need.

In recent weeks, working with our international partnerships, we have supplied humanitarian aid to Venezuela, Ghana, and Nigeria. During a busy season, we realized we had sent our 3,800th shipment (since 1998)!  It was a full tractor trailer load of supplies headed to Whiteville, North Carolina, to our partner helping with area individuals and families struggling in the aftermaths of not one, not two, but three Hurricanes!

God created a unique ministry when he created Gleaning For The World. Because of our many different programs, we have the flexibility to partner with many different organizations who meet many different types of needs. 

God knows what his children need, and how those needs can be met. We’re blessed to be part of his plan, and we’re in awe of the miracles we see happen all the time!

In service and partnership,

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