Gleaning Golf Classic Regisration

National Make A Will Month
will and testament


As you take stock of everything in your life, I want to share that August is National Make-a-Will Month! You’ve been there for Gleaning and those we serve, so we want to help you secure the future for the people you love the most. Whether you’ve never...


Over the last year and a half, the pandemic has boldly proven to all of us that life can change quickly. As a national and international charity that supplies much needed in-kind resources, we felt the impact across all aspects of our work. I’m extremely grateful we were able to continue in spite of the immense challenges and changes!

How has your life changed? Did you move to a new town or city? Are you a new parent, grandparent, or pet-parent? Are you more grateful for the people, communities, and resources that support you?

As you take stock of everything in your life, I want to share that August is National Make-a-Will Month! You’ve been there for Gleaning and those we serve, so we want to  help you secure the future for the people you love the most. Whether you’ve never made a will at all or need to update yours, why not start now?

Start my plans

To help you get started, you can use a free, online resource from our trusted partners at FreeWill, which guides you through the process of creating a legally valid will in 20 minutes or less.

This August, take care of all the changes in your life and write or update your will today.

In Service & Partnership, 

gleaning for the world signature
