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Empowering Women and Girls Worldwide
wings empowering women menstrual education


The Wings initiative stands as a beacon of hope, striving tirelessly to provide dignity, empowerment, and freedom to women and girls worldwide.

The Wings Program

At the heart of Gleaning For The World, a vision was born around a table where five determined women gathered, their minds brimming with questions: “Could this actually work? Could we make a difference?” Today, the answer resounds with unwavering certainty: yes, it does work, and yes, together, through our Wings program, we are making a profound difference!

The Wings initiative stands as a beacon of hope, striving tirelessly to providewings dignity, empowerment, and freedom to women and girls worldwide. With each passing year, we extend our reach to multiple nations by offering a sanitary, comfortable, and discreet solution for managing monthly cycles – our washable and reusable hygiene products.

At the heart of Wings lies a passionate dedication to those who lack access to the feminine hygiene products many of us take for granted. Our mission is to bridge this gap and empower women and girls regardless of their circumstances.

One of the most remarkable aspects of Wings is its global reach. From the Caribbean to Africa, from Asia to Latin America, Wings Kits have been hand-delivered to women and girls in 27 countries, including but not limited to Antigua, Burundi, Ethiopia, Haiti, India, Kenya, Nigeria, the Philippines, and Uganda. In each of these nations, our presence has brought not just tangible aid but a message of worth and value to those too often marginalized and overlooked.

wings period poverty programYet, amidst the celebration of our achievements, it’s crucial to recognize the stark realities faced by women and girls in many parts of the world. In numerous developing nations, they are viewed as property, devoid of value or agency. Education, a fundamental right, is often denied to them, perpetuating cycles of poverty and inequality. Wings confronts these injustices head-on, offering not just hygiene products but a pathway to empowerment and self-worth.

Central to the Wings program are our reusable feminine hygiene kits, designed to provide sustainable solutions for up to three years with proper care. Each kit is thoughtfully curated to meet the diverse needs of women and girls, containing essentials such as discreet carrying bags, undergarments, moisture barrier shields, liners, sealable plastic bags, washcloths, and soap. These kits not only address practical needs but also serve as symbols of solidarity and support.

We extend our deepest gratitude to all who have supported Wings, whether through donations, volunteerism, or advocacy. Your contributions have been instrumental in realizing our vision of a world where every woman and girl is valued, empowered, and free to pursue her dreams. Together, let us continue to spread our wings and uplift those in need, knowing that our collective efforts have the power to change lives and shape a brighter tomorrow.

Please click here to learn more about the Wings program or click here to make a donation directly to the Wings program.

In service and partnership,

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